Saturday, November 11, 2017

Advanced Beginner Pattern in Silk

Most of the weaving I've done so far is very simple where I move all the tablets forwards and backwards at the same time.  More advanced patterns require you to move tablets individually at different intervals to create more complex designs.  This pattern in silk requires you to turn different combinations of tablets at different times and is more complicated than previous ones I've done.  I'm not showing you the first section because I messed it up upwards of four times and had to reset it.  My friend Stephanie got to watch me rip my hair out attempting it.  After all of that, I managed to get the hang of it and I've been very successful going forward with it.

I know that most of my friends can't tell the difference between an easy pattern and a difficult pattern (unless it is really fancy), but I'm proud that I'm now at the point where I can look at something and sort of tell how difficult it was to make.  That's kind of cool, I think!

This advanced-beginner pattern was from the foxnoses and applesies book I mentioned earlier in this blog.

This trim is for me if it turns out okay.  I picked red, white and black as my colors!  It is going well so far after about 4 mishaps!  This may not look harder than patterns I've done previously, but it is!

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